The course explores the transformations of attitudes toward the human body in the culture and traces historical origins of its current perception. Bodies — living, diverse, performing — are influenced by numerous external forces, but despite this, one can try to preserve the body’s independence. At the center of the course is an idea of liberation, broadly understood as the removal of constraining, tight, disturbing, pinching, and discriminatory settings, both on the level of consciousness and daily practice. Opens Feb. 20, 2024
The course explores the transformations of attitudes toward the human body in the culture and traces historical origins of its current perception. Bodies — living, diverse, performing — are influenced by numerous external forces, but despite this, one can try to preserve the body’s independence. At the center of the course is an idea of liberation, broadly understood as the removal of constraining, tight, disturbing, pinching, and discriminatory settings, both on the level of consciousness and daily practice. Opens Feb. 20, 2024
Library of art courses and practices from the field of visual arts, texts, sounds, danceArt therapy sessions with professionalsEvents and workshops with experts from the art industryResource Hub: media materials, tips and weekly recommendations for your inspiration and support
Library of art courses and practices from the field of visual arts, texts, sounds, danceArt therapy sessions with professionalsEvents and workshops with experts from the art industryResource Hub: media materials, tips and weekly recommendations for your inspiration and support
The course is for anyone who wants to encounter their own body and the bodies of others, to explore their view of corporeality and understand how it was formed.
A mobile phone or a laptop with headphones to watch and listen to videocasts/practices. A notebook with a pen or mobile phone to take notes.
by Lena Pogorelova and Hanna Sosnovik
The introductory lecture establishes the theoretical and chronological framework for talking about the body and corporeality necessary to get through the course. It makes a distinction between the notions of "body" and "corporeality", outlines the emergence of interest in the body in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and explains the main theories conceptualising corporeality.
by Hanna Sosnovik
In this lecture we will see why the human body needs to labour and how this process is regulated. Different forms of work literally transform bodies and change the way we look at them. But can the body rebel? In order to do that we will try to find the possibility of freedom in existing forms of employment and economic organisation, and analyse alternative ways of pastime.
by Olga Trufanova
Colonialism is intimately connected to the perception and construction of bodily differences: the establishment of European ideals of beauty and health, the emergence of the concept of race, and the solidification of gender norms. This lecture critically explores how colonialism shaped and affected the ways people understood, and still understand, the connection between food, body, human character, and civilization.
by Elina Usovskaya
The lecture is devoted to the problem of female subjectivity as an equivalent of individuality and self-sufficiency, a chosen identity. In this case, female subjectivity can be aimed both at preserving the "exclusivity" of the female world and at refusing to follow "gender". In any case, it is not aimed at binding to social and sex roles. The diversity of manifestations of subjectivity covers different areas of culture. They are most clearly represented in women's corporeality, art and everyday life.
by Lena Pogorelova
In brief theses, we will outline the main historical milestones of humanity's relationship to sexuality. Chronologically, we will first look at the process of dependency and frame setting, then we will see how different social structures and mechanisms of power have pretended to liberate the topic of sex from categorical tabooing, and finally we will come to a disappointing conclusion - no matter how hard we try, the current economic and social structure simply will not allow a complete liberation of the body in any sphere - and especially not in the sexual sphere, which is so closely linked to reproduction.
The playlist of adequacy was created to help a person be less critical of themselves, get out of the captivity of confusing and condemning thoughts and choose to accept their personal mental processes. You do not need to do anything about who you are; it is important to just stop interfering with yourself.
As you listen to the playlist, spontaneous discoveries occur — that’s what makes it so useful. You can pause the track and just think about what has resonated with you.
The information that the tracks are filled with shows non-trivial ways to look at yourself and the world around you; it expands vision and feeling, and is tuned in to greater self-trust. This is not a dry psychological enlightenment, but an essence of various views and trends, which I managed to combine and present through a personal prism. The listening itself is a bit like meditation. Also, the tracks have a transformational effect similar to planting seeds. As soon as the soil is ready, they will definitely sprout. At a minimum, much of what you will hear about in the playlist will be quite refreshing for you!
You will learn to:
- listen to yourself and follow your values,
- treat yourself with more care and kindness,
- cope with difficult thoughts,
- distinguish reality from thoughts,
- understand your desires,
- bring clarity about your boundaries.
The course was created within the media-educational project "Support in Arts" which is a series of interviews, publications, essays, educational courses and events from representatives of the Belarusian art community and art educators who work in various fields of art (illustration, design, modern dance, visual art, fashion, modern poetry and prose, photography, music, cinema) and interpret the modern context in their practices.
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