We help to find support in arts

Maramora is a curated art platform. The platform offers original courses, lectures, guides as well as interviews, texts and projects that showcase the transformative potential of art and art education.
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Between RODINA, HEIMAT and KUT –Losing and Finding HOME in Exile

Olga Bubich, author

We help to find support in arts

Maramora is a curated art platform. The platform offers original courses, lectures, guides as well as interviews, texts and projects that showcase the transformative potential of art and art education.

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Between RODINA, HEIMAT and KUT – Losing and Finding HOME in Exile

How do you know who you are,
If you don’t understand where you come from?

from “Heimat” by Nora Krug


We help to find support in arts

Maramora is a curated art platform. The platform offers original courses, lectures, guides as well as interviews, texts and projects that showcase the transformative potential of art and art education.

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contemporary art
analogue photo
art education
contemporary art
art and practice

featured courses

139 USD

The course will provide you with a structured understanding of how to harness the potential of images and stories. You will learn about effective tools of visual language and storytelling, develop the foundation of visual communication for your company/project, and learn how to base your decisions on values of ethics and diversity.

89 USD

This course is designed for individuals who are interested in exploring the world of contemporary art and developing their creative skills. It is suitable for those who want to learn about contemporary art without having any prior knowledge or expertise in the subject.

20 USD

7 supporting transformative audio tracks. The playlist of adequacy was created to help a person be less critical of themselves, get out of the captivity of confusing and condemning thoughts and choose to accept their personal mental processes. You do not need to do anything about who you are; it is important to just stop interfering with yourself.

art library
10 USD

art library is a growing library of short-term online courses by subscription. Currently, courses on gender studies, social ecology, popular culture, contemporary art and theater, and contemporary cinema are available. The courses consist of audio lectures, notes, self-tests and a list of additional literature.

Як падаць заяўку на арт-рэзідэнцыю

Як падаць заяўку на арт-рэзідэнцыю

 Разбіраемся ў відах арт-рэзідэнцый

Разбіраемся ў відах арт-рэзідэнцый

Арт-рэзідэнцыі: што гэта і чаму іх так любяць

Арт-рэзідэнцыі: што гэта і чаму іх так любяць

Вечерняя школа томления, №1

Вечерняя школа томления, №1

"Лай Начных сабак - гэта калыханка"

"Лай Начных сабак - гэта калыханка"

art enthusiasts

For learners

  • become part of supportive art community
  • get knowledge from art experts
  • explore how strategies used in the arts can be applied to innovation in other fields
  • get access to art education
art educators

For Authors / educators

  • offer an educational course
  • publish texts, research and artistic works
  • join the professional community
  • monetize your expertise
art business

For Business

  • get knowledge from art and technology
  • get access to educational materials for small teams
  • promote artistic practices used in your organisations


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$ 19/mo

Billed monthly
Some plan feature text
Some plan feature text
Some plan feature text
Some plan feature text
Some plan feature text
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$ 52/mo

Billed monthly
Some plan feature text
Some plan feature text
Some plan feature text
Some plan feature text
Some plan feature text
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$ 86/mo

Billed monthly
Some plan feature text
Some plan feature text
Some plan feature text
Some plan feature text
Some plan feature text
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$ 15/mo

Some plan feature text
Some plan feature text
Some plan feature text
Some plan feature text
Some plan feature text
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$ 48/mo

Some plan feature text
Some plan feature text
Some plan feature text
Some plan feature text
Some plan feature text
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$ 82/mo

Some plan feature text
Some plan feature text
Some plan feature text
Some plan feature text
Some plan feature text
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Pricing Plans

Aliquet tellus imperdiet morbi tincidunt gravida nulla. Vitae cum vel vulputate at mauris.

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  • Dui mattis neque, nibh pellentesque.
  • Mattis neque, nibh pellentesque.
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  • Lorem dui mattis neque, nibh pellentesque.
  • Dui mattis neque, nibh pellentesque.
  • Mattis neque, nibh pellentesque.
  • Rem dui mattis neque, nibh pellentesque.
  • Mi mattis neque, nibh pellentesque.
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